FC FootFire Club is a private non-profit faith-based youth sports club, providing a competitive soccer program for youth boys between the ages of 5 and 18. FC FootFire was formed in 2015, with a group of teenagers that had lost hope for the sport. They went from being bench-warmers to all-star players. Not only have they earned the respect of other soccer players but have also secured a varsity position with their current high school soccer team.
The club has not only developed and retained talent, but has been adept at attracting new players to the club. Our tremendous growth is a tribute to our faith-centered curriculum and the love for the sport.
We take great pride in developing our players into God-honoring athletes, students, and responsible young men, ultimately preparing them for life beyond soccer.
FC FootFire is transforming beginners and recreational players to the highest competitive levels of soccer.
Our goal is to develop our players into God-honoring athletes, and responsible young men, ultimately preparing them for life beyond soccer.